Sunday 29 July 2012

Questions Answered: Would You Be Straight?

Imagine, if you will, a world in which an individual could choose their sexual orientation. Once chosen, the person's sexual orientation could not be altered again.

I was presented with this concept, and then asked if I could choose to be straight, would I. The short answer: No. The longer answer needs to be broken into multiple issues.

Straight Isn't Necessarily Right.

The way that the question is posed, as well as the way it was asked, implies that heterosexuality is "correct", or that homosexuality (and other non-heterosexualities) isn't. Now, I like to think that I'm not a heterophobe (If homophobe's a word, why can't heterophobe be?), some of my best friends are breeders; but, to claim one sexuality is right - and claim others aren't is morally wrong.

People are born into their sexual identity, they discover about a decade into their life what gender(s) they are attracted to, and that's final. People who are gay can act straight (trust me), and people who are straight can act gay (once again, trust me). This doesn't deter in any way from their actual sexual identity. Just because heterosexual sex spawns us all, does not make it "right"; or to be more specific, it does not make it the only "right" option. All sexualities are "right" in their own respect.

Loss of Identity

I have become the person I am today because of my sexual orientation and the trials that are expected to come with it, not to mention the scars (though that is the wrong term) that I have been left with.

Now, I've been lucky. I haven't come across much homophobia. When I have, I've been able to stamp it out. But, I would be a totally different person if I had not pursued the path I have taken. Simple things, such as: my first sexual encounter, my coming to grips with my homosexuality, my coming out, losing my virginity. Those are all things that would pan out in a totally different way, if I was of another sexual persuasion. My life has faults, all of our lives do. But, to be broken is special. If we are broken, we can be put on the path to be fixed, and it is in the journey of our damages and reconciliation, that we can become truly individual and unique. I would rather live with my own faults. I am happy with the individual Io have become.

So, no. No, I would not become straight, if given the choice. If any of the people I manage to rope into reading this blog have anything they would care to add, feel free to comment, or drop me an email. My email's in the About Cole section of the bog.

1 comment:

  1. it is your choice, and don't let anyone change that. you are an awesome writer. I cherish good writers
